lunes, septiembre 17


Everything I want, I have                                     Todo lo que quiero, lo tengo 
Money, notoriety and rivieras                                                                        Plata, notoriedad y riveras
I even think I found God                                                                            Hasta creo haber encontrado a Dios
In the flash bulbs of your pretty cameras                                            En los flashes de sus lindas cámaras
Pretty cameras, pretty cameras                                                                    Lindas cámaras, lindas cámaras
Am I glamorous? Tell me, am I glamorous?                                                Soy glamorosa? Dime, soy glamorosa?

Hello? Hello?                                                                                                     Hola, Hola?
Can can you hear me?                                                                                     Podés escucharme?
I can be your china doll                                                                                   Puedo ser tu muñeca china
If you want to see me fall                                                                               Si querés verme caer
Boy you're so dope                                                                                          Nene sos como una droga
Your love is deadly                                                                                         Sos adorable hasta morir
Tell me life is beautiful                                                                                  Decime que la vida es hermosa
They all think I have it all                                                                        Todos piensan que lo tengo todo
I'm nothing without you                                       Y soy nada sin vos
All my dreams and all the lights mean                
Nothing without you

                    Todos mis sueños y todas las luces significan

                                         Nada sin vos

El verano es lindo y caluroso                                                                                                   Summertime is nice and hot
Y mi vida es dulce como lo es la vainilla                                                                        And my life is sweet like vanilla is
Línea de oro y plata en mi corazón                                                                                        Gold and silver line my heart
Pero quemadas en mi cabeza todas estas imágenes robadas     But burned into to my brain all these stolen images
Imágenes robadas, nene, imágenes robadas                                                              Stolen images, baby, stolen images
Podés imaginarlo?                                                                                                                                 Can you picture this?
Imaginar una vida que hubieramos vivido?                                                                    Picture a life we could've lived?


Hello? Hello?                                                                                                         Hola? Hola?
Can can you hear me?                                                                                         Podés escucharme?
I can be your china doll                                                                                       Puedo ser tu muñeca china
If you like to see me fall                                                                                      Si querés verme caer
Boy you're so dope                                                                                               Nene sos como una droga
Your love is deadly                                                                                              Sos adorable hasta morir
Tell me life is beautiful                                                                                       Decime que la vida es hermosa
They all think I have it all                                                                             Todos piensan que lo tengo todo
I'm nothing without you                                          Y soy nada sin vos
All my dreams and all the lights mean
Nothing without you.-

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